Sat, 11 May 2013, 12:24am Bursting questions for a noob team »
Registered: Oct, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 16 Aug 2013
Posts: 37

I started out in Libra about a month ago and am now trying bursting. I have two lvl 31 fires, a lvl 17 water, and a lvl 33 wind. All have gs except for the wind, because she doesn't need it. My fires both have -200T weights on.

I've tried the senior beetles, and now the jellyfish with the wind spawn. I've had the same problem: hardly anyone combos.

It starts out things going good. My spells are working, slowdown is missing just like it should. When it comes to comboing though, (I'm using jellyfish as bursting pets) some of my pets like to go first, then my two fires either go at the same time (with a solid number like 1300 or 1400 as dmg, instead of multiple 500's showing up), or they don't combo. Maybe once in a blue moon everyone combos.

Problem two, I'm only getting 1000ish exp for the water and wind, and 60 if I'm lucky for the fires.

Here's how my remotes are set up: (I apologize I don't know how to put a picture here)

If you notice, Fire 1 has slow down set for both places. This is because he doesn't have poison yet (I only have 9 wis).

Please help, this is very annoying.

Last edited Sat, 11 May 2013, 1:41am by Vampire

"It's never too late to be who you might have been."
-George Elliot ♥

Servers: Leo & Libra
Guild: Radiata

My Characters:


Rechii: 8x RB Fire Wit
Mana : 9x RB Fire Killer
Rechuu: 9x RB Water Wit
Oath : 180 Water
Heaven: 180 Earth
+ other alts



<3Rechii<3: Wind Mage
Rechii: Fire Warrior
Teryn: Fire Warrior
Arsenic: Fire Warrior
AngelTears: Water Mage
Lunelle: Shop Owner

Squiby Thingys

