Wed, 15 Oct 2008, 2:27pm Need some advices please!!! »
Registered: Sep, 2008
Last visit: Sun, 25 Nov 2012
Posts: 334

I am currently a lvl 29 water, but I think I put too many points on ATK and MATK, I learnt the Turning Ice beating, the third last melee attack skill. And I think wasted too many points, making me only learnt the water shield skill at lvl 29... Water should be support, right?!

Now I want to make a decision
a) keep lvling up using this character
b) use this character to lvl up two other character, one purely ATK fire character and one purely support water character, then delete the current charater.

But then I thought of some important, hard quests I have done:
I got Elin (but not her gun, got a team of 2 lvl 47 to help)
got plane, jalor, boat, hot-air balloon, raft designs
done Roca's quests (including the ones she got into jail)
got Niss and Xaolan
went to two hot spring for extra hp
got Cat's eye ring, vacuum, radio set, King's certificate
expanded tent (Title deed)

But because I think my character was too weak, I am seriously considering starting again...

New plan:
make a fire character, get it slow down then lvl up, upgrading only ATK
Make a water character, get it revive skills, then upgrade only DEF or some INT
Use the existing, bad character to help it upgrade i.e. fight beetles at the first battle, then senior beetles at lvl 10 or so
Then DELETE the bad charater

Should I do this? Because it was hard to find a team to help me with Elin, and I need to spend time doing the quest again!!! What should I do?
I think the new 2 characters would be very strong, but there are lots of quests to catch up... Please help!!!

Also, which character(at the start, when there is no Breillant) is best as Fire? And Water? Should I change to Breillant? Because I saw her statistics, she has full ATK, DEF, MATK, MDEF, INT and AGI!!!
Thanks for helping!!!

hi hi
