Wed, 27 Feb 2013, 12:57pm Cant make up my mind... »
Registered: Apr, 2011
Last visit: Thu, 08 Aug 2013
Posts: 44

Ok! I just resently re-joined wlo. Idk if there are any updates, or new things. downloading the game atm, and I dont know what server to pick.
Mostly Aries
Cap&Aqu, I have some accounts and stuff there so it might be easy to start over again...But if its another server that you want me to join could you help?
Basicly I am just asking for Suggestions of a good server with lots of people, nice people, helpfull people, and people looking to be friends with a re-newbie (New player...Did you get it? Since im playing wlo again i put "Re" Infront lol.) So please respond i will look at this page alot for a bit...
