Mon, 09 Feb 2009, 6:25pm Site Improvement Todo List »
Registered: Sep, 2008
Last visit: Thu, 06 Oct 2022
Posts: 706

NoHeart wrote:

Could you please add something to the compound list (and perhaps to the item list also), that it makes possible to jump to a particular page number? It takes a lot of time to go back to the higher numbers, when I want to confirm and edit compoundings. This would be very helpful.

I posted a link to, so you can see what I mean exactly.

ok, i could do something like that. i'm also trying to figure out someway to fix the confirming so that it will not have to reload the page when clicking the question mark since i know the compounds pages take about 4-5 seconds to load.

in case you're wondering what i'm working on now i'm trying to figure out the best way to redo that item and compound popups since they have some issues on all version of internet explorer once you start scrolling down the page.

anyone have any suggestions of popups on other sites that work well? i started rewriting them using only CSS but i'm having a couple of display issues on the different browsers.
