Tue, 25 Dec 2012, 4:41am WLO Wish & Dreams for the Upcoming Versions. »
Registered: Jun, 2010
Last visit: Thu, 04 Sep 2014
Posts: 1583

Not sure if i mentioned this. If not meh... if so then i'll mention it again.

They really need to make it possible to exchnage things in qauntities when it comes to these events. Annoying with the "click clank, exchange, repeat" and you stand there clicking 50 times.

They need to have it in 1, 5, 10 and 50 exchange to make it easier and do in bulk.

Prizes you get are random aniways. Or would doing it in bulk cause some sortta ripple affect causing you to get 10 of the same item if you exchange 10 at a time (lol 10 potentials in a row would be nice)... if so i'm sure there are ways so fix it. the items still stack so it shows that it's considered the same type so doing it in bulk should not really have any affect on the result of the prize, same as if you were to buy 10 or 50 of a gift pack or egg from IM at in the same purchase.. right?

http://wlodb.com/files/fonni_sig.jpg http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/273/861/b12.gif
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