Mon, 10 Dec 2012, 10:44am Ask your questions here!!! »
Registered: Jun, 2010
Last visit: Thu, 04 Sep 2014
Posts: 1583

@koro. yes you need admin rights to edit and change anything relating to the site. but you can edit your own post in the forum.

Icons too are added by admins. Like myself for example i edit most of these on photoshop or GIMP and add them in. Though i need the owner of the site to finalize everything aswell. so i usually mail him a ZIP file containing the items to look over and add.

@HumanSauce (interesting name);
the feul bank is permenant. if you have a picnic basket you will know how to use the feul bank. it stores your fuel into a mini capsule which you can keep in your inventory and double click to open to gain access to your feul. double click the fuel and it fills your vechicle.

As for the speed it's debateable.. but i beleive...
DS human is about 1.2 if not 1.4 spd and the dragons are 4.2
RB is about 3.5 prolly more considering the dragons and maha. as you go higher sped goes up too.
JS is 1.2 for humans and 3k for dragons.
FB (you never asked about but good luck with that spd is was to random some times goes over 7k

You also have to add a 1 to each number so like 3001 or 1201 for example so always good to be at least 100 or 50 spd above the number to make sure to 100% outrun them

and finally you need to factor in the team speed. (of your team) add ALL your spd together of everyone in team then devide the number of people in team and you will get your average speed, that often affects who moves fisrt. if you have a chara like a wind for example that has more speed than the mob then that often about 70-90% of the time your team will move fisrt or just the wind or the faster ones.

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