Fri, 07 Dec 2012, 2:19am Ask your questions here!!! »
Registered: Dec, 2012
Last visit: Wed, 26 Dec 2012
Posts: 8

lol sorry i dont understand what you mean with reflecting mdef/def. Let me explain what im tryign to do here. Im used to playing wow, swtor, etc. MMORPG's where i always took the job of an healer. now i know wlo is a different game ofc. but i try to create a water character that can overheal almost everything a npc or(if possible but dont think so) a player can do to you.

Im considering making a water priest with 0 agi. But thats only a viable option if i can endure enough, and if i can get my heals high enough.

I also have a question about that. they say priests make good healers, but dont you need Matk to make your heals do a lot of dmg(healing dmg that is).

There is no IRL, only AFK.
