Sun, 02 Dec 2012, 7:15pm Virgo server? »
Registered: Dec, 2010
Last visit: Wed, 30 Oct 2013
Posts: 75

Smurf wrote:

I wanted to ask some question Virgo players, because maybe Im gonna move to play on this server because im from EU and US times annoy me :3
1) There many people who speak english?
2) How the prices? Overpriced or normal ? give me example of 400T and snow ears
3) There many scammers/hackers?
4) This server friendly?
5) Server is dead or active ? (Instances,Shops and etc.)

Im an old Player from Virgo when version 2 was out. I will tell this, if the server your on is bad then every other servers are just the same. I mean you just had to deal with the ppl. I am on Pisces Server 1 and we have few mean ppl on there but we just tend to ignore it.


Shizune Quest:

