Thu, 29 Nov 2012, 6:16pm Assistance »
Registered: Oct, 2012
Last visit: Mon, 10 Dec 2012
Posts: 37

Kojika wrote:

airship design is in revival you don't need trans just key to underpass.

complete the dragon quest in town fisrt get the key from the warrior then go to the giant moai head at the very end of the island. its not hard at all.(*cept maybe the dragon part, same exact one from 15round about lvl 150+) but it is all soloable at a certian lvl. (last answer is 7:35 btw and don't forget to take the piece of paper off the wall when after you get the capsule)

unless you mean spaceship design/aether (for outter space which is in egypt and mayan forest)

i looked up the quest and fought with for a while last night. I know how to do the quest, I just cant quite beat the fights on my own.
