Tue, 27 Nov 2012, 9:36pm Virgo server? »
Registered: Jun, 2010
Last visit: Tue, 13 Jan 2015
Posts: 1403

Virgo is a good server, just people come at the wrong time. Mainly the players are afk, but if you find a guild, you'll feel right at home. Many players are Polish, Romanian, Hispanic, Norwegian, and many other diversities, but yes indeed many speak English. It used to be very active, but after special edition, v6+, lots of players quit and prices rose up to the point where they compared to other prices in other servers, so if you intend to play there, as with any other server; I would recommend you to make your own items and stuff instead of buying it, it'll let you keep a pretty penny for a rainy day. You'll typically find a few people hanging around in each area, but I wouldn't guarantee that it'd be lively, mostly afk people. So good luck with your endeavors, perhaps one day I'll get on and try to help you if you can if you stay in virgo.

I'm such a troll

Me + Piano


Take them out with Love. One by one.


It's quite fascinating. The way people speak. The way people act. The way people just...live. People are different. You see hundreds of cultures all over the world. Some differ by a small percentage. Others can be completely the opposite of another. We think what we think. We do what we do. This all pertains to the function of the brain. Thinking. Then the possible question forms from the confines of some minds. "What if.....?" Yes indeed, what if? What if I did this? What if I did that? How would this benefit me? How would this put me at a disadvantage? What is the purpose of this? The human mind is a very complex thing. It could form millions of thoughts in just one single second without the owner even realizing all but..one. And what is this one thought? This one outlier in the mathematical functionality of the brain? This is what we think. Out of all the possible thoughts, this is the one thought we think about at the present moment. And what is the result of this thought? Success. Failure. Love. Hate. Passion. Determination. Character. Personality. Actions....Death.

Watch your thoughts.
They become words.
Watch your words.
They become actions.
Watch your actions.
They become habit.
Watch your habits.
They become personality.
Watch your personality.
It becomes your destiny.

-Lao Tzu
