Thu, 04 Oct 2012, 12:35am Mac for Wonderland Online? »
Registered: May, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 21 Apr 2023
Posts: 563

OS-X is more of a BSD Unix style OS. It is not Linux. It is contribed of BSD sources and an OS developed called NextStep. Which is also derived from BSD Sources.

So OS-X aka Darwin is more of a BSD Unix OS. Linux is based on the Linux Kernal and OS-X the Mach Kernal. While they share alot of simliarities cosmetically and have alot of the same utilies they are not the same.

Here is a tutorial on installing Wine on Apples OS-X link. Once you get wine installed and working follow the linux tutorial in my sig. the Setup should be simliar.

One thing I have noticed is you need admin rights and an Intel Processor to setup wine on the computer. If this is a school computer odds are good you do not have admin rights on the computer. If it is not then you are in luck.

My personal OS preference is PC-BSD. But due to the nature of the BSD architecture being considered exotic (aka not alot of people write programs for it). I tend to stick to more traditional Linux distrobutions. I might try OS-X :P It is Intel CPU compatible and there is a great chance it will work on my computer. Would be fun to have an Apple OS on a HP Desktop. Talk about getting Apple on the cheap hahaha.

-- dark

Last edited Sun, 14 Oct 2012, 2:21pm by darkdeaver
