Tue, 02 Oct 2012, 11:43am Show off your tents~ »
Registered: Jun, 2010
Last visit: Thu, 04 Sep 2014
Posts: 1583

@vampie; what new server? =.= are you joining leo too with the rest of this database?

>.> i went to try virgo last week but its lonely and im starting to not have as much fun as i though i would. i;m not outgoing so i dunno how to talk to people or make friends either -.- but i dunno why i want to stay. part of me wants to just delete this game again. but other part feel like i should not always just give up somthing without finishing what i started. highest chara is 29 and i just finally got her junior alchemy and lvled to 10 aswell as have half my manu equiptment built.. so i feel like it'd be a waste to just up and quit it *sigh*.

@devie; >| nothing's wrong with your tent.. just look so... cluttered in an odd sence and when someone visits they can see you use the toilet while they sit in your living room. or see you sleep while they look thru your kitcehn window o.o ..... wait a minute... where is your kitchen? and how come you have a seperate shower room... or is that your training room >| since its next to your fisrt aid kit and exerciser... must smell piney

why there is a patch of grass in front of your fireplace i will never wish to know =.= perhaps you will romantically sit on the grass in a feild of flowers yet still snuggling together with your lover in front of a rowing fire safe indoors and not outside to be eaten by mosquitos, as you are stared at by a piggy and some kitties. but you are so in love that you do not notice the eyes "O.O" *blinku blinku* "O.O" mister octobus and chubby thumbelina are to shy so they look away. though thumbelina does blush mister ocotopus moves closer to her and gets all "fillers". she slaps him and roli poli away to gaze at the stars thru the telescope. unlike perve cat-1 and perve cat-2 who giggle together with blushing piggy as he turn redder and redder with embrassasment. :$
... each item tells a story my mind is going to wild right now. i'll stop before i start cause i feel an adventure coming on XD

http://wlodb.com/files/fonni_sig.jpg http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/273/861/b12.gif
See more on Know Your Meme

[Guide] Level Planner for Player and Pet Training - http://wlodb.com/topics/13527
[Guide] Ultimate Pet Page - http://wlodb.com/topics/15272
