Fri, 07 Sep 2012, 10:51pm Cupid's Test »
Registered: Aug, 2011
Last visit: Tue, 13 Aug 2013
Posts: 1

Go to Holy Village before Valentine's Day and find Cupid blah blah blah...
Cupid: Are you Ready?
You: Yes

Cupid: Which festive day it before Valentine's Day?
You: Lupercalia

Cupid: St. Valentine's Day is said to have several different origins. Which country's teligious festival could be considered its earliest origin?
You: Acient Rome

Cupid: Which is the name of St. Valentine's Day?
You: Valentine's Day

Cupid: The ancient Romans had a tradition on 14h February every year. What is it?
You: Picking Names
blah blah blah
Cupid give you a 4.5X Holy EXP Potion
