Mon, 02 Feb 2009, 2:22am For-Hire Alchemist »
Registered: Jan, 2009
Last visit: Wed, 03 Aug 2011
Posts: 387

I posted my willingness and desire to make items in the IGG Leo Supermarket too, but it's dead in there man... very very dead.

This is primarily alchemists yeah. But it's good company, and if someone wants help or needs and item, I'd love to be there.

Selling recipes? to fellow alchemists? I wouldn't dream of it! Nah, I'd rather help a fellow tradesman even if it drives my sales down. It's a game and I'd like to encourage the fellowship of comrades and knowledge.

Besides... you either love or hate Alchemy... if you love it, you deserve to have a wealth of free information at your fingertips.

^^^^ My thoughts on the issue. :P

KaozReaper - for-hire Alchemist
Whitept - 14x Fire Killer
Forgotten - 11x Fire Seer (8x RB Xaolan)
TheScholar - 14x Perfect Water Priest (13x RB Niss)
Leo - UnitedLeos

FREE IGG Points! ^_^

It's Legit, I've been doing it personally.
Fill out some retarded surveys that actually give you points like they say they will,
then go to Page 2 of Rewards and get an Ultimate Gamer Card.
You can redeem Ultimate Gamer Cards for IGG points.
9 points = $10 USD = almost 200 IGG points.
Remember, 122 WL pts = 1 SS... that's a lot of gold.
