Sun, 26 Aug 2012, 3:47am This might be stupid but...... »
Registered: Feb, 2011
Last visit: Thu, 28 Jun 2018
Posts: 1780

umm do you mean your character's name on the game? o.o
if so then not really cause on my server i got shortened versions of my name like "sal" yet my bro's wife's name is sal xD However i know my name is used on Gemini cause my sis plays on it and i saw it myself too but she has "I" or a symbol that looks like it on either end of the name so i don't really mind and besides she's on another server so it's ok..

Hate it though when people on my server think it's funny to create characters that look and seem to be spelt just like others. Someone did it to me and whispered my friends saying all these disgusting immature statements and acting like a slut and blah blah you get what i mean. That made me furious. They knew it wasn't me but still it was frustrating !! Finally the idiot whispered me and was talking disgusting too.. (you get what I mean) and it was easy after that. Take screen shot, show igg and they banned the account :$
