Fri, 30 Jan 2009, 11:13pm For-Hire Alchemist »
Registered: Jan, 2009
Last visit: Wed, 03 Aug 2011
Posts: 387

It is fun! Of course, it's very expensive. I wasted probably 1.2m so far on failed compounds and learning... but it's all a teaching opportunity. :)

Yeah, in Leo the market is getting kind of flooded and it gets harder and harder to sell stuff. For example:

Red Dragon Gown used to be 1m, now it's 700k
Death Scythe used to be 900k, now it's 650k
Shadow Pestle used to be 150k, now it's 80k
Long Knight Boots used to be 80k, now it's 40k

Prices keep dropping because more alchemists are popping up everywhere in Leo. However, the better alchemists can make things cheaper, because they don't need to use those big pricey books. (as often at least)

So yep, I will make you custom items of your choice and we'll work out a price at the time.

KaozReaper - for-hire Alchemist
Whitept - 14x Fire Killer
Forgotten - 11x Fire Seer (8x RB Xaolan)
TheScholar - 14x Perfect Water Priest (13x RB Niss)
Leo - UnitedLeos

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