Fri, 30 Jan 2009, 9:22pm For-Hire Alchemist »
Registered: Jan, 2009
Last visit: Wed, 03 Aug 2011
Posts: 387

I am a skilled alchemist in Leo willing to sell my services to anyone who wants them.

I can make almost any item for a very competitive price. I am reasonable and willing to negotiate, including the trade of items if they are of equal value. Discounts for repeat customers.

I have a mailbox and am on a LOT. Normally Leo1. Send me a message or PM me ingame (preferably not whisper... since I do have alts). I understand players with financial restrictions and will do my best to accommodate however possible.

Send me a message and we'll work something out. :)

KaozReaper - for-hire Alchemist
Whitept - 14x Fire Killer
Forgotten - 11x Fire Seer (8x RB Xaolan)
TheScholar - 14x Perfect Water Priest (13x RB Niss)
Leo - UnitedLeos

FREE IGG Points! ^_^

It's Legit, I've been doing it personally.
Fill out some retarded surveys that actually give you points like they say they will,
then go to Page 2 of Rewards and get an Ultimate Gamer Card.
You can redeem Ultimate Gamer Cards for IGG points.
9 points = $10 USD = almost 200 IGG points.
Remember, 122 WL pts = 1 SS... that's a lot of gold.
