Mon, 30 Jul 2012, 3:59am Annoys me when... »
Registered: Jun, 2010
Last visit: Tue, 13 Jan 2015
Posts: 1403

I hate it when someone misinterprets what you say, when you are joking around, and starts trash-talking you out on local while the person you were joking around with is laughing their butt off on pm/local.

I hate it when you are in a team, and the leader kicks you out due to your lvl, or your rb class, an leaves you to waste food while bursting, or leaves you to die while in a instance/training. (I made my own team b/c of that.....)

I hate it when you pk someone for fun, and some jerk comes and tries showing off their pet or character and lands a lucky crit on your pet or character and spawns you. (I turn off pk 90% of the time, but people know I can easily wipe them out :P)

I hate it when someone acts like your friend, but behind your back they act like a jerk talking trash about you, until you eventually find out and ask them, and they block you and delete you -.-

I hate it when someone threatens to report you for a very stupid reason (99% of 100% I never get in trouble :P, thank you live support :m) due to them either being jealous of you or them just being a jerk.

I hate it when your sarcasm gets mixed with a threat or an insult, and the person gets very offended and starts saying crap about you everywhere, until you tell the person you were being sarcastic, and all they say is "oh" -.-

I hate it when someone acts like they are the best, until you and fight them and beat them and make them shut up, but when they get the opportunity, they start saying that you suck and that they can easily beat you.

I hate hypocrites, they make me pissed when they tell someone something while doing it themselves at the same time.

I hate it when you talk in fragments and people think you are spamming (bad habit of mine to type in fragments....)

Last edited Mon, 30 Jul 2012, 6:57am by pswk2

I'm such a troll

Me + Piano

Take them out with Love. One by one.


It's quite fascinating. The way people speak. The way people act. The way people People are different. You see hundreds of cultures all over the world. Some differ by a small percentage. Others can be completely the opposite of another. We think what we think. We do what we do. This all pertains to the function of the brain. Thinking. Then the possible question forms from the confines of some minds. "What if.....?" Yes indeed, what if? What if I did this? What if I did that? How would this benefit me? How would this put me at a disadvantage? What is the purpose of this? The human mind is a very complex thing. It could form millions of thoughts in just one single second without the owner even realizing all And what is this one thought? This one outlier in the mathematical functionality of the brain? This is what we think. Out of all the possible thoughts, this is the one thought we think about at the present moment. And what is the result of this thought? Success. Failure. Love. Hate. Passion. Determination. Character. Personality. Actions....Death.

Watch your thoughts.
They become words.
Watch your words.
They become actions.
Watch your actions.
They become habit.
Watch your habits.
They become personality.
Watch your personality.
It becomes your destiny.

-Lao Tzu
