Sat, 21 Jul 2012, 9:12am Annoys me when... »
Registered: May, 2009
Last visit: Sat, 22 Sep 2012
Posts: 19

I hate when people ask for quests then either want it for free when your ready to do it or get it from someone else. (Yes i know someone else has mentioned it). 2 Situations that epic-ally pissed me off.
1. Guy asked for me for JS when i was doing someone else's JS and I told him if I wasn't too tired but i ended up falling asleep. The next day he was still at JS fight and asked again, I said yes logged and he saw someone else and asked her. So she starts doing his JS and he whispers me and goes thats for not doing it last night. (WTF, people act like your suppose to drop your life for wlo).
2. Guy asked me for FB and he didn't have the requirements for payment so we agreed on a day that I was free and he would have the requirements. 3 days before the day it was suppose to happen he logs on and asked if we could do it that day, I said no because I had work. He ended up asking someone else. (Was annoying because we spent 2 weeks working on this deal and every time I was ready he didn't have payment. WASTE OF MY TIME).

E.S.T is the movement .. Get with it or get Lost!
