Thu, 19 Jul 2012, 5:14pm can someone help me name my pet? »
Registered: Dec, 2008
Last visit: Sun, 21 Jul 2013
Posts: 215

Kioni-Ice-Queen wrote:

A good idea if you have alts, which most of us do, is to change the pets name together like, lets say you have a ShaSha, Elin and Fred:
ShaSha: Fred
Elin: ShaSha
Fred: Elin

Thats cute.. I name my pets from my favorite anime character or someone close to me or one of my family member name or someone i hate or love.. Lmao my explaination to someone i hate is that so when my pet die i see him die also!! (evil laugh)

But seriously you can name your pet any name your heart desire.. Or if cant pick a name then leave it as it is...
