Sat, 30 Jun 2012, 12:15pm Annoys me when... »
Registered: Feb, 2011
Last visit: Thu, 28 Jun 2018
Posts: 1780

Kojika wrote:

Annoys me when you or someone wins somthing from a gift pack or mall game and then suddenly half the server knows who you/they are and wants to become your/thier best friend when before they'd walk right past you.

You get whispers from people who ignore you, people who are rude to you, people who are and peopel who you thought were your friends and people who suddenly act like you've known them for years.
"hey how's it going how are you long time no see, btw grats. you know if you ever want to sell that i can give you a good deal"
"hi, are you selling?"
"hey, grats. do you need that?"
"i'll by that for 3mil... no? 4mil? ok 2.5mil (it goes higher or lower depending on what you just got)"
and etc... i'm sure you're heard a few and more. along with a few who does congratulate you.

then an hour later it goes back to normal they don't even know who you are.

haha I remember that moment for me. I won a strong scroll from the lucky cards and suddenly 10+ people and friends whispering me to sell it to them cheap etc.. one guy whisped me "ur gona sell it to me cheap right?" I know he only said that because he helped me with 15rc for 3 weeks cuz my team was off during that time xD I mean it's weird. You don't get a chance to think and suddenly all these whisps asking you to give it to them for a discount.. I mean I won it .-. let me think about what ima do with it...

anyway yea...

@ Vampire

awww I hate that.. I always get a sad feeling. (It happened to me a few days ago). Also, I hate deleting people myself.. some people add me and don't even speak to me or they're never on and even though you have the reasons to delete them, I still feel bad to do so t.t
