Sun, 25 Jan 2009, 11:31pm New Visitor Record! »
Registered: Sep, 2008
Last visit: Thu, 06 Oct 2022
Posts: 706

Redman wrote:

Heck, yes.
I plug your site as much as possible. If you control your advertising in anyway, ask for an increase in traffic adjustment to payments. Then, maybe the increased volume will actually do something to help make the site more impressive, faster.

yea, the increase in volume definitely gets me more excited to push out more updates. i use g00gle ads so they pay me per click. so...if you want to help me pay for the site feel free to visit the sponsors! I usually make about $4/day and the site costs $70/month at the moment to run.

i think i've probably spent at least 400 hours coding the site and learning ruby on rails so i think my hourly rate at the moment is about $1/hour!
