Thu, 24 May 2012, 9:32pm im a newbie »
Registered: May, 2012
Last visit: Tue, 11 Dec 2012
Posts: 59

lol i've gotta to ask where you heard this from. aniways no thats all false only way to revive a pet is to talk to Abba in holy villiage and pay the amount of stars i mentioned above in the preivous post.

yey! thanks for all of these stuffs, learning so much of these things now.. regarding this one, when i do the death quest, i will talk to abba, and he will revive my pet, right? (in exchange for stars).
so when i get my pet back, will they be the same level as what i left them?and will it be another set of stars when i rb them? i dont know anything now about the pet's revival in the game itself (not on battle) as well as their rbs.

Last edited Thu, 24 May 2012, 9:55pm by sinokaba
