Thu, 24 May 2012, 7:47pm im a newbie »
Registered: May, 2012
Last visit: Tue, 11 Dec 2012
Posts: 59

oh i see thanks for the informations! im learning..wew.. just few more questions though, if i have one char who can already have access to the underground passage, i dont need to have my other characters get that right? (to save stars) or do i still need all my characters (if i have like 2-3) to have the key?

and those volley, fatal blow etc, are those some kind of strong attack skills? and can i get all of them? or dpends on my character's elemets or skills or job? and are these all the additional skills i can obtain on the game? or are there more?

i heard soul dodge can bring back a dead pet? what does it mean? like for example, shasha (i think) sacrificed herself on the aliens, and she is now gone, you mean if i have this skill, i can still obtain her?

you can only rb once right?

Last edited Thu, 24 May 2012, 7:52pm by sinokaba
