Sun, 12 Oct 2008, 2:06pm Which materials sell best? »
Registered: Sep, 2008
Last visit: Sat, 01 Nov 2014
Posts: 297

iamthenextbest wrote:

My friend Paid me to help her with syrups over 4days. I got paid 10k (O.O!)
And I ended up making a Bankful of Syrups. She sells them for around 15g each. (grape, Cantaloupe, apple) and the APPLES ALWAYS Sell 1st. So i'd try collecting apple seeds (chickens or squirrels drop) and make some musk and start making :3 You will most likely make some profit.
Unless manufacturing is your thing. Go collect some ore (keep iron) and sell to npc. My friend did that over night on 2 accounts and ends up making 6k a night. That adds up. Make some steel or iron mats with the iron ore. Get low on firewood? TO TREE DEVILS! XD idk bout you but if your really advanced manufacturer make Precision Circuits sell for 1.5k to 2k then again you could lose profit if you have to buy the mats for it.

if ur making Precision Circuits go to universal and buy a stack of those things u need for the precision circuits it makes ur mats costs a little higher but ur a lot faster so its a little les money in a shorter time
it doesnt makes a lot of diference

a big helping hand
