Tue, 08 May 2012, 10:56pm storage Rooms »
Registered: Jun, 2010
Last visit: Thu, 04 Sep 2014
Posts: 1583

that because you can only make 1. only time people make 2 is when they are if diffrent rooms or diffrent floor of their tent for fast access.

i take it you are new to this game then O.o. welcome this is a good place to search if ever you have problems and need a quick guide.

EDIT; i should also add there is a limit to how much you have have in your tent. so you make diffrent forms of storage.

1* Storeroom Holds 50
10* Wardrobes holds 50
or upgrade wardrobes to 5 Cabinets instead.
bank holds 50

1* material cabinet HOLD MATERIAL ONLY (ores, grassm clay, nails, glue etc... things for manufacturing)

then you have fortune egg this holds a minimum of 10 per stack of TRADEABLE ONLY items.
6* fortune egg holds 60

1* locker hold 25 QUEST ITEMS only

1* Medicine case holds 10 pills, exp capsules, pet bolus and feathers
1* potion cabinet holds 10 exp pots, eye drops, HP/SP bottles posion potion, detox potion etc.. (potion type only)

1* picnic box 15 FOOD ONLY items
1* fridge 10 FOOD ONLY
2* food shelf hold 250 max 500 per shelf for a total of 1k TRADABLE FOOD ONLY. shelf holds 4 type of food. so best for things like syrup or rice when you make to much since they stack up to 250 (5 stacks per slot)
so you can use it to sell food or price at 999999 etc to keep and so no one buys your food lol

for money you have your piggy bank which gives you access to the npc bank and the ATM which you can uses as a safe (no connection to the bank) to keep money or transfer to other players with an atm (if they don't have an atm they need to travel to hawaii to get access to their money)

then you have items from IM like
gas storange tank. holds 6k in gas to cook with needs tio be next to a stove to work

and exp bag. its like a portable potion capinet. cept it holds only exp items like exp potions, cards and mud statues holds about 10 or 15 can't remember since i don;t have one. you can click it on or off to auto use your potions if you afk.

2mil HP and SP hold more of the smaller hp and sp potions

hope i've not forgotten anything.

Last edited Tue, 08 May 2012, 11:24pm by Kojika

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[Guide] Level Planner for Player and Pet Training - http://wlodb.com/topics/13527
[Guide] Ultimate Pet Page - http://wlodb.com/topics/15272
