Wed, 25 Apr 2012, 3:52am War Clothes »
Registered: Feb, 2012
Last visit: Sun, 06 Jun 2021
Posts: 246

I know this isn't a really impressive compound but I hope you guys like it.
It's broken down to even the information on how to make a skeleton iron sword.

War Clothes (kinda looks like Fur Clothes but Blue)
LV: 54
Rank 27
+18 DEF
+9 SPD
(no alch books needed)(But if you're really unsure then only use an Alch 1)
Superior Alch (recommended)
Junior Alch (possible but more unsafe)
Primary (Just get junior alch its really easy)

War Clothes
=Sea Boots
+Rainy Doll
-Sea Boots
=Special Shoes
+Beast Cuffs
-Special Shoes
=Wind Demon Suit
+Golden Qi Pao
-Wind Demon Suit
=Fine Feather (3200g)
+Fine Nylon (1700g)
-Golden Qi Pao
=Fine Golden Rose (1500g)
+Refined Gold (4000g)
-Beast Cuffs
=Steel Thorn Bracers
+Knight Helmet/Hero's Helmet (Hero Helmet is safer but more money)
-Steel Thorn Bracers
=Demon Gloves
+Copper Crest
+Sea Armor
-Knight Helmet
=Skeleton Iron Sword
+Refined White Silvery (3500g)
-Skeleton Iron Sword
=Iron Net Boots (610g)
+Wolf Tooth
+Iron Net Boots (610g)
-Hero's Helmet
=Skeleton Iron Sword
+Light Bracers
-Light Bracers
=x2 Airship Steer
+Refined Gold

-Rainy Doll
=Metal Gown
+Black Jade
+Metal Gown
-Metal Gown
=Wizard Gloves/Giant Demon Gloves
+Skeleton Steel Sword
-Wizard Gloves/Giant Demon Gloves
=Fine Golden Rose (1500g)
+Magic Crystal Powder (3500g)
-Skeleton Steel Sword
=Sea Armor (660g)
+Wolf Tooth
+Sea Armor

How to get the Materials:
x3 Fine Golden Rose
x2 Refined Gold/x1 Refined Gold and 1x Refined White Silvery
Fine Feather
Fine Nylon
x2 Magic Crystal Powder
You can get all of these mats at the small store on Hawaii
Mat Total Cost=24400 if making Hero Helmet / 23900 if making Knight Helmet

x5 Sea Armor
Copper Crest
x2 Iron Net Boots
Demon Gloves
These Mats can be found at Egypt
Mat Total Cost=6500g either way with the Helmets

x3 Wolf Tooth
Can be obtained through fighting wolves at South Pole, very high drop rate
Or can be bought, usually at a price around 30g-50g each on Taurus

Black Jade
Can be obtained through collection point on 3rd floor of Iceberg
Or can be bought, usually at a price around 1000g-2000g each on Taurus

x2 Airship Steer (this is only if you are going with Hero Helmet)
Can be manufactured in rope saw: x1 = 2 lauan woods + 3 original rubber

Total Mat Cost=30,900 if Hero Helmet, 30,400 if Knight Helmet

I hope you all enjoyed, I know it seems like a lot but it all comes together at the end to only 1 piece of body armor, ironic.

Last edited Wed, 25 Apr 2012, 10:49pm by BladeEgde
