Thu, 29 Mar 2012, 2:01am tear staff ? :/ »
Registered: Jun, 2010
Last visit: Thu, 04 Sep 2014
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same == i wasted more than 8 book fours trying this.. i event have 4 to my sister to try cause her alchemy is in the 20's.

switch up the combo of crystaks too. cause i noticed since like version 6 i accidently compounded 50 cotton with like 22 seeds. was maing roses and stuff with other rank 1 items biut the cotton is rank 1. and the seeks are rank 2. i had it on sup. and the cotton over powered the seeds.

another incident a few months later i was making bullions for TW using all that gold blocks we get from training island.the blocks are rank 13 i was using gyrophora and ginseng. both are rank 12.
i accidently clicked 1 block with a stack of ginseng and the ginsieng over powered it and gave my back a gyrophora.

i started doing experiments then using a certian amount of an item adding the rank. up seeing if that did anything few times it did. few times it didn't

example: i used a few hawaii mats was getting expensive and failing. so i switched to kelan and bought copper ores. to use on cypress i had. what i did was use 5 copper ores rank 1, with a cypress wood rank 5, adding the copper together 5 + rank 1 would be rank 5, so i tried. the wood won. i kept adding 1 more copper to it to see started to get over 10. till i was called to make dinner by the time i came back i forgot to finish so i never continued my experiment.

guess i'll try now.

aniways hopefully next version the created a propper crystal jump.

EDIT: ok tried a few copper ores (rank 1) and cypress wood(rank 5)
the copper over powers when i do 5 copper and 1 wood. so thats good.
i keep uping it to 6, 7, 8 and 9 to 1 wood. then 10 copper 2 wood, 15 copper 3, wood 20 coppper 4 wood etc.. to 50 copper and 10 wood. but result is still the same i only get rank 2 and 3 copper swords/knives. highest jump i got a couple times was rank 5 copper spear.

even switched up the combo. did 5 ores 2 wood 5 ores still same result. did 5 ore 5 ore 2 wood same result. seems as though even though you multiply it and cause the base to be over powered it still sticks to its rank of 1.

which makes no sence then if you are to think of wolf tooth and sea armour. you have 2 armour which is rank 18 with a tooth rank 20 can make a sword rank 22. i though perhaps its cause its a single item used and not stacks. but as for the tear staff even when i did 1 snow+ titanium + magic + 1 snow it still didn't work... the snow would be 14 with the titanium is 13 and the magic is 12.

i must be missing somthing sortta feel like i'm on the right track with this....

perhaps if it was 2 snow, titaium, magic 1 snow... no wait i tried that still failed...

Last edited Thu, 29 Mar 2012, 3:33am by Kojika

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