Tue, 06 Mar 2012, 7:52pm levelling up alchemy »
Registered: Jun, 2010
Last visit: Thu, 04 Sep 2014
Posts: 1583

all that matters is the + you gain. that + is added to your proficiency in order to lvl it up.

so you can compound w/e yu want but only if it goes higher than the item you compounded will you gain any % so if you have a rank 4 and it becomes a rank 6 then you gain%. but if it fails to a rank 2 or 3 you gaain nothing.

thats why its best to use rank 1 items cause it will alway rank up with lil to no chnace of fail. get it now?

i tend to use barley, coal ore, copper ores or steam buns. because i tend to get +3 or +4 or higher with them.

tosses out what you don't need. keep or give away to newbies or keep for manufacturing. get more or just recycle back to rank 1 and start over again.

http://wlodb.com/files/fonni_sig.jpg http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/273/861/b12.gif
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