Sun, 12 Feb 2012, 6:58pm victoria has no death quest yet ?! »
Registered: Jun, 2010
Last visit: Thu, 04 Sep 2014
Posts: 1583

lil harsh.. but yeah they are =(

i noticed things made a big change when version 4 came out. so perhaps they went under new management around that time. the company's name also went from "I Got Games" to "Internet Gaming Gate". so thats why i think it went under new management and things pretty much started to suck then.

-.- i recall in version 3 they still had GMs in game talking to people on world and secret GMs that would walk around in game. some of their tents were around in kelan you'd know cause when you walked in they had stuff no one else had cause they were testing it (also vip 3 got that privilage to test and keep the items getting free stuff each month) and they also had a 3rd floor in their house. and i remember seeing a blue/green bed one time i went in some girls tent. then she walked in and went to sit on her bed x.x i tried looking for in to make but it was never manufacturalble.

i'm still waiting for that day till i get to sit on a bed XD

BTW i play LoL too XD. never played for that long to get free stuff but wow o.o i started last month or end of december. but hardly log =( i'm a Kale/morgana

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