Mon, 06 Feb 2012, 5:26pm WLO Wish & Dreams for the Upcoming Versions. »
Registered: Jun, 2010
Last visit: Thu, 04 Sep 2014
Posts: 1583

Since its 4 people per squad including yourself i wish it was possible to just train your pets to fill in the other 3 empty spots.

not many people are able to find a team for events even thought some have a lotta friend and there are those like me who are shy and keep to themselves or dunno how to make friends its still not possible to always get a sqaud for quest or 15round.

there are other who are not able to make their own team and log 4 characters do to lag, no computer space or because they are unable to handle more than 2 characters. (with parctice i was finally able to do 4 characters plus pet and withen the 20 second time limit but not many who can't or wish to do this.)

i've always wished that it was possible to have more than 2 pets to use cause there are so many great ones to choose from. in the end i'd have to make new characters just to be able to use the pet i want and not neglect the other.

so this is my idea have it possible to train 3 pets plus your companion who will be with you(the one that shows stalking after you when not in combat). you can choose 3 other as sqaud fillers that you can train. so its possible to take a team with you. perfect if you're water cause you are able to train all 4 at the same time (unless you have a kanako or angela to heal.. to bad no pet has revive yet).

how it works is you have 4 character in team 3 are in the other slots and 1 is your companion who stays with you. if someone was to join "your" team they take the place of one of your pets. and vice versa if you were to join their team you take the place of one of their pets. but your main pet stay with you in front like original.

would be cool to be lvl 180 rb with a team of 180 rb pets XD

second pet idea is that if this is not possible that which ever pet you are carrying with you or on bank get a % of your exp when you lvl.

you have your companion with you that you train, but all other pets are left in your bank getting no exp. so i think it would be nice if they got 3-15% of your exp from when you train. it may be slow but atleast they lvl up as well. their amity will not grow as if they were to be with you cause they don't know you to be able to love you since they are locked in bank and home. if you carry them with you they get an extra % exp boost. and if you use them they lvl 100% and gain amity aswell like normal.

See more on Know Your Meme

[Guide] Level Planner for Player and Pet Training -
[Guide] Ultimate Pet Page -
