Sun, 01 Jan 2012, 2:33am WLO Wish & Dreams for the Upcoming Versions. »
Registered: Jun, 2010
Last visit: Thu, 04 Sep 2014
Posts: 1583


i wish pets could have their own mounts when you get on a mount. i feel so sorry for them tailing behind you while you get a compy ride on a horse, leo or griffen and they walk behind you.

so each pet can have a special assign moount or lil mini vehicle that only apears when you click the mount button and who ever is following you automatically starts to ride their mount aswell.

joan can have an armoured war horse
arez flies. he's fine.
roca can be on an indian war horse
athena a stag or pegasus.
venus a unicorn
shasha a magic carpet or elephant prolly give elephant to qlaya
louis black steed (a horse i know steed can mean any hard working animal or mount)XD
sam a large wolf or sabertooth.. thought that'd be odd a wolf riding a wolf
monkey a mini car XD... no too clown like so prolly a war dog, tiger, wolf or somthing
elin... can prolly fly like have a jet pack or something from her back like mechanical wings or mechanical-wing-like jet pack (anione ever played tekken 6?)
fred can be griffen or death knight horse
shizu a tiger or lion.. similar to sam.. i know again messed up a cat riding on a cat or they can switch
hayate a bull or tiger.... or horse

clive, niss, vicky, magellen, lan.. is hard so i say diffrent colour and armour'd or decorated horse. war type, princess type, samurai etc...
hmm.. did i forget anyone O.o

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