Wed, 21 Dec 2011, 9:11am [Game] What if... »
Registered: Jun, 2010
Last visit: Thu, 04 Sep 2014
Posts: 1583

This is a game my sister and i were playing in guild a few weeks ago with a few other guildies and i suddenly remembered it now. So i thought i'd post it for others to play too and hear your ideas. Since this is not on the spot i'll alter the game rules to fit well being played on a forum.

- You ask a meaningful question, somthing that makes you or others think.
- Answer the last persons question before you put a question of your own.
- Give the reason as to why you chose that answer.
- If you can't answer the last question asked, you can answer a previous one someone asked that you have an interest in.
- If you are stuck thinking up a question then just repeat one someone else asked, but once in a while please think of your own.
- You are not allowed to answer your own question so wait until somone else posts then you can post again.
- You can post how ever many time as you want. Please no double posts, keep this clean.
- Have fun!!

I'll go fisrt to show an example;
If the world were to end and after a few weeks of wandering around in the same clothes, you had a choice to take a shower/bath for life or have a few change of clothes for life. Which would you choose and why?

Last edited Wed, 21 Dec 2011, 9:45am by Kojika

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