Mon, 21 Nov 2011, 10:36am Scorpio Quest Price »
Registered: Jun, 2010
Last visit: Thu, 04 Sep 2014
Posts: 1583

pets like fred, eva, victoria, angela etc... will be over 100k-500k ish (more for fred cause he's longest) cause it require traveling and feul or lending strangers your vehicle.

most big pets like venus/athena and joan are in the millions cause the quests are hard and at js and ds quest lvl

and the rest will go for 5-50k or free cause they are not hard to do

all quest on south and north are generally free cause they require no traveling

but all these depends on the person you get to help you. some will be rediculous and over charge. some may be lower. and then you will get the ones that if you spam them for help they will over charge you cause you beg non stop and its irritating.

and becareful of scammers who wants you to pay up front.

i run a quest shop and usually do it free or charge by feul. but i'm taking a break from quest helping atm. sorry. hope this helps you to finding others willing to help.

@| confused as to why people like to collect pets yet never use em...

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