Sun, 30 Oct 2011, 7:17pm how do you get a e. con? »
Registered: Jun, 2010
Last visit: Thu, 04 Sep 2014
Posts: 1583

do you mean electronic control?

its from the item mall. meaning you need real life money. its possible to do serveys if you don't have a job or access to money (not saying you should steal or w/e. thats the last thing anyone should ever do.)

look in the grocery section of the mall.

also heard that you can get a download off the main forum website. it allows you to use e-mote for free. and its from the creators of the game which igg took off so you pay for the mote...

dunno where you can get that... aniways search around. it may not seem "illegal" since it from the original game but i still suggest getting a job and using your own money... if you are of age or try the serveys. other than the remote i see no reason to be spending and wasting money on an online game like this this.

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