Fri, 09 Sep 2011, 1:33pm Trainning a Niss with Stone Wall »
Registered: Oct, 2010
Last visit: Thu, 13 Dec 2012
Posts: 435

if ur earth char has the niss u want to train u can set,
in 1st round 'stone wall' to 'pet' but if some other alt in ur training team has that niss, u'l need 2 set according to hp.
like for example, ur niss has 500 hp, u'l need to set,
party hp < '499' 'stonewall' n then select ally in the box.

but for 2nd option u'l need 2 make sure, ur niss survives the 1st hit of the monsters.

for niss i'l suggest train in 4 ppls team with pets on each n a water with erem to use cure. cure with max(10) profiency heals 6 of ur team members n it costs less sp than recovery. also training in bigger team, divides the
chance of the monsters hitting niss.

Iz can pwnz U

