Sat, 30 Jul 2011, 1:13pm Bursting Charlotte On A Water »
Registered: May, 2010
Last visit: Mon, 22 Jun 2015
Posts: 313

She is burstable yes, but as the comment above implies she stops getting exp at a higher level.. I'm trying to figure out how to fix that, so far no luck on my fire's Charlotte.

I've heard that she stops getting good exp when she is 20 levels above the MOBs you are training on. This seems logical.. my fire's Charlotte dropped in exp once she hit level 62 and the cirrus I'm bursting on are level 42. I'll have to see if the same thing happens on my water's Charlotte.

If anyone can give their opinion about the theory I heard above (if your Charlotte stopped getting exp too) or how to fix Charlotte's burst so she gets good exp at a higher level, let me know. (:
