Sun, 04 Jan 2009, 6:53pm Editing Unknown »
Registered: Jan, 2009
Last visit: Thu, 17 Dec 2009
Posts: 87

I tried to Edit a faulty Recycle.

Harl Grass does NOT recycle into Straw Mushroom. It is destroyed directly.

I can understand not allowing common users to delete hard-earned work, but I would like to suggest a flagging system. If a user is flagging things uselessly, all flags from that user can be deleted and ignored. If a user flags something appropriately, it can be addressed and the database can be 'cleaned up' so to speak so we don't have erroneous or incorrect information.

The only thing that a good database like this one has going for it is the potential for large amounts of information. That information is only as good as its reliability.

KUDOS to the developers. And thanks for letting me help.
