Sun, 04 Jan 2009, 3:27am FAILED COMPOUNDING...... »
Registered: Oct, 2008
Last visit: Sun, 22 Aug 2010
Posts: 348

There are a couple other variables that I believe make a difference in compounding. Some of it I can theorize how it comes into play, some is just from experience.

1. It seems that if I compound something about every 10-30 minutes I get a higher success rate than if I compound many times in a row.

2. I strongly believe lag, server process time, or whatever you want to call it, affects your success or fail. I succeed more often on days/times when there aren't as many people on and if I don't have several accounts logged in.

I know, it seems a bit wild. However I've had TON's of MMORPG experience. Going back to when Ultima Online started. I have seen games document and implement different methods to try to ensure a balance of players enjoyment in the game and making sure game features are not taken advantage of.

So.. That thought could help substantiate the first variable.

But as for the second variable; I can't think of any reason that an application running slower would alter it's outcome/calculations. But, provable or just BS, it sure seems like I get better results when everything is running fast. *shrugs*

Good luck compounding. Honestly it frustrates the hell out of me 'cause my luck has always been crap.


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