Sat, 03 Jan 2009, 5:16pm mini-tips to newbies »
Registered: Jan, 2009
Last visit: Sun, 04 Jan 2009
Posts: 19

1.start compounding everything wat u cant sell (the first items from island,)and sell everything at kelan any items shop . 2.u got some money now. if its more than or 50, go to weapons shop and buy a claw or something(claw costs 25 g.) 3. u got weapon. equip it by going to inventory and double clicking it. then buy an cheap armor(get items by fighting enemies on starters beach entrance . but thats on tip 4.)4. sell all items what u get in items shop. u got some money. go and buy armor at weapon shop.
5. then go to north island and fight some easy monsters. if u r almost dead in battle, sign out. good luck!

P.S:sorry for not including locations!

-hey, that woodoo what you fucked was my wife!
