Fri, 11 Mar 2011, 2:40am Help with DS »
Registered: Dec, 2008
Last visit: Thu, 10 Nov 2011
Posts: 117

xD i know i'm just sharing only, i mean, i dont mind helping, i'm not a vice in that guild so actually i don't have any responsibility to help them, but i know they have a hard time to earn money not to mention so many scammers in aries (so many ppl say thank you for not scamming them when i sell quests, dunno if i should feel happy or sad about that)

after helping in athena, joan, rbs and knowing they are just bunch of ass lickers kinda pissing me off :/

i'm used to do rb in noob clothes.. except on pet x'D it's not that i can't do it without my pet or something.. ._. but it's gonna take so long if i do it without them... and i hate waiting n wasting time.. >.> usually i do full rb quest less than 1 hour, almost can kill anything in 1 hit... it's not hard to kill them, but their lvl is the main problem >.> it's killing my eqs
