Fri, 17 Dec 2010, 9:07am Rebirth (RB) Classes / Magic Set Box Equips (with images) »
Registered: Dec, 2008
Last visit: Sun, 21 Aug 2011
Posts: 661

You can be either a mage, seer, or priest. It is just according to how you add the rest of your points before rebirth. Add more to Int and be a Mage, more to Wis and be a Priest, to Agi and be a seer. If it were my character I would either go with Mage or Priest. That is me personally since I don't like the Seer Class. And since I like Mages more I would go with Mage over Priest.

Treat others as you wish to be treated yourself.

There are two types of idiocy: Believing everything one is told without question, and never listening to what one is told.

The Hubris of Youth Versus The Folly of the Elderly. No one wins.


Just a personal observation but we all need to remember to be civil to each other. We are all different and have different opinions. Just treat others as you would want to be treated yourself. Constructive criticism is one thing that we all need and can use, sarcasm, name calling, and abuse is not.
