Sat, 04 Dec 2010, 3:28am How can I make Mega-money? »
Registered: Dec, 2010
Last visit: Sat, 03 Aug 2013
Posts: 17

Sarin wrote:

Wouldn't all of us be insanely rich if there were a method? Most of us are poor as all heck and honestly there isn't a 'fast and easy' way to make gold. Unlike lvling (which you can burst to lvl quickly), making a lot of gold in the game comes with hard work lol

Just like reality ._.
I'd recommend npcing drops from when your grinding. (I made an ancient bathtub so I don't need to use food, so easy to make... some original rubber from trees in north island and white clay.) Having a bathtub helps when your grinding and if your at a mob with frequent drops npc them or sell them to players.

Read my Wonderland Online story!
If you read manga on you might have seen me around (same username same person) And my sig is there...
I don't feel like working on a sig right now, but hey I will sometime xD
By the way...
Preparing for a Zombie Apocalypse?
If so then you should read this. (It might pull you back into reality)
