Thu, 02 Dec 2010, 10:46am My WLO Story »
Registered: Dec, 2010
Last visit: Sat, 03 Aug 2013
Posts: 17

I just finished the prologue of my story~! Took me 1~2 hours xD
But I was playing WL when I was thinking of how to start it off, and I remembered SB!(Starter Beach) "Well thats a good place to start!" So... Here is my Prologue!
Btw if you have a good title suggestion can you post it? :)
-Cannot think of a good title for this story-
A story of my adventures in Wonderland online
Noira, the main lead and also the narrator of the story
Elin, the human (?) bio weapon created by aliens as Noira's partner
I'm only 15 years old and I've always sucked at spelling and grammer... so if something like Word can't help me please
do not be offended about the lack of proper sentences.
Noira, a 16 year old girl whom's most notable traits are her crimson red hair and her golden eyes. Her friends say it is
extremely noticeable but... noticeablty isn't the only thing thats made it hard for her. Noira comes from a cursed
bloodline, her ancestors were decended from a goddess... or so the family legend goes. This "cursed blood" has caused
her to be able to control water on a molecular scale and gives her dreams of a parallel world where what she dreams
affects her body in reality.

Well aside my introduction, my story began when I won a one week cruise around the pasific ocean. Three days in
my vacation, a very violent shaking after the ship had either crashed into something or vice versa, knocked me out...
I awoke on a nearby island luckily uninjured. After I had gone around this tiny island which happened to be the size
of two or three neighborhood streets, I saw two more islands to my east. After I had rested for a night I made a raft to
safely get me to these islands... While I was on my way there I began thinking, if these islands are inhabited will I be
refused help...? Refused to help...?

After paddling for a couple of hours I had finally reached the northern islands shoreline... After folding my raft up I
started to explore the area a bit, thankfully there were coconut trees near the shore so I obviously climbed and got
some. Having trouble splitting the shell I resorted to using my powers. Just then, a young tribel girl appeared before
me... At that moment I sighed a sigh of relief I was happy about this island being inhabited, but if she approched me
while I was opening my coconut she must have seen my powers! Anxious at the thought of me being treated as a
monster, she came closer to me and asked if I could open her coconut!? I was shocked that this young tribel girl knew
how to speak english! Let alone did she seem bothered by my powers... Just who is this girl I thought... After we had
gotten aquainted, she asked if I would come to her village. It seems like she was able to tell I was troubled and said
something about a fortune teller.

As I walked into the village with her, the tribe members looked at me funny for a moment. When I saw one lifting his
prey above his head... but wait, both of his arms are down!? I then asked the girl if that was normal... She responded,
Yes! As shocked as I was I continued following her to the fortune teller's hut. On the way she told me that people with
magical powers were rather common here though, most people can not channel them properly so the power gives them
a physical boost. My jaw dropped. As I was pondering, my power is normal here...? We had arrived at the fortune
teller's hut.

Inside, an old woman sit in wait of my arrival...? I asked, may I have my fortune read? She said, for her friend... of
coarse! As she began setting up I pondered, is this really Earth...? If it is... can I ever make it home? If not, can I survive
here? The old woman asked me if I was ready, I nodded."

"You are not a person of this world. You will face many hardships and may meet someone to help you on your journey.
If you somehow fail one of these hardships something terrible shall happen. I can see the world being engulfed in
darkness! With my limited powers this is all I see, perhaps someone you meet on your journey home may be able to
explain with more detail..."

Thank you... I bowed my head on my way out. After hearing this amazing news I found a tree to take a nap on...
When I awoke I found myself clear of hesitation, I'm not sure but... That nap seemed to have flicked a switch. I will
goto the southern island and see if I can find something out! On my way outside the village, the young girl ran towards
me. "Wait!!! Please take this sword with you! It is dangerous outside of the village." Dangerous? Are there rabid
animals outside? "Are you crazy? The animals out there have been turned into low ranking monsters due too darkness
exposure! If you kill them the darkness is expelled and they come back to life." I see, thank you. I'll keep that in mind.
As I said that, I thought, crazy huh...? Maybe...

And this is how my story began.
End of prologue.

Read my Wonderland Online story!
If you read manga on you might have seen me around (same username same person) And my sig is there...
I don't feel like working on a sig right now, but hey I will sometime xD
By the way...
Preparing for a Zombie Apocalypse?
If so then you should read this. (It might pull you back into reality)
