Thu, 11 Nov 2010, 6:35pm What happen with the prices? o.o »
Registered: May, 2009
Last visit: Thu, 17 Jun 2021
Posts: 599

On virgo its also caused by all the gold botter's causing rampant 'inflation' and pricing out a lot of players *cough* kld oso luffy, etc;
Those types served month bans for having 'mains'on illegal 3rd party programm mutiple client 'bots' and also running 'material bots'.
Have you seen the 'charcters' at npc 'cash in points'. Try to make friend or join team and you will not get a 'target is busy' message etc = they receiver bots auto cashing in 'expressed' mats from gathering bots.

Igg fails to permantly ban such low life scum caught btting on mains or gold bots be it charcter or ip so the honest players have to accept the fact low life scum will have the gold to purchase from a lot of the few im sellers on virgo unless you have long term friends you can purchase off for 'realistic prices'

The rest of the im sellers are quite happy to 'suck the d1ck' of the gold botters for their 'gold fix'

187 FireKiller (With 'perfect+80' cape)with 117 rb Kanako and 152 rb Fred and 100 rb Viki(training Fred currently)
190 Water Seer Virgos FIRST MAX ReBirth
with 100 rb Elin and 107 rb kanako AND 151 rb Roca xD
166 Earth Killer With 166 RB roca pure grind nevr tasted burst. Suck it up 166 rb all grind xD Old school at it's best
(Solo'd the GS quest )

And various other alt's xD

Virgo Server

A Botter is a failure at life, compensating for being unable to be priapic
A Complete nothing, a big fat zero xD
