Fri, 27 Aug 2010, 12:02am leo botter? »
Registered: Jul, 2010
Last visit: Thu, 30 Sep 2010
Posts: 80

giraffasaurous wrote:

Basically, a bot is an illegal program that a person makes to enable people to cheat when playing WLO. Some of these bots enable you to burst for several more turns than what you're originally allowed to with the IM remote. And some of these bots enable people to mass duplicate items/pets/whatever.

And botters are people using these bots.

No, a bot is simply a program that automates something.
The remote control is a bot, and so is the 3rd party bots that people talk about.

And no, bots don't allow you to "mass duplicate items or pets". If you believe they do, you'll have to cite your info cause that's a serious accusation and something IGG WILL be interested in looking into since it directly affects their profits. Who needs to buy IM items if you can just get someone to dupe it for you?

Bots are not illegal programs. 3rd party software, is illegal in the context of IGG.

I'd like less people to be running around saying "bot = 3rd party program" and then perhaps people would care more about illegal botters.
