Wed, 14 Apr 2010, 3:32am Bursting!!! »
Registered: May, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 21 Apr 2023
Posts: 563

I use scorpians to burst. Because my base damage is 50k @ no Crit and around 120k with 3-way Crit. I m bursting non-element beetles so I dont get damage adj like for bursting a Wind spawn. I dont have any bash saddles atm. The Pure Burst has around 1750atk with the equipment and descent diamonds in it. In that picture I used 3 Fires to burst the Earth. Pure 1750atk, Inca 1670atk, and the Fire Mage had 1314matk. The key is the Wit JS the Fire Mage has. It allows 1.5x damage on the 1st mob which give me minimum of about 75k damage on te primary mob. But when they triple crit even on norm xp the person bursting gets around 60-80k xp with good damage.

Scorpians I prefer over beetles and cow for a good reason. When you use Beetles or Cows you have a damage cap and thus a xp cap for maximum obtainable xp. You cannot in WLo exceed 65k damage on a single hit no matter how high lvl u are. I use the Scorpians Red Sting attack. Which is 3 hits. Since the single hit max is 65k With a Triple hit attack I can do maximum 65k each and thus triples the potential amount of xp. But I lag so bad it is hard to get a screenshot of all three hits. But I will endevor after I move in RL to take a screen shot of @ least 80k damage. So you can see that if your higher level. Using cows really limits ur xp you can obtain and will make it take longer to reach higher levels.
