Mon, 12 Apr 2010, 7:00pm [Guide] Lazy Man Compounding Series »
Registered: May, 2009
Last visit: Fri, 21 Apr 2023
Posts: 563

These guides are made to help ppl who are new to compounding to achieve success and help give them a reason to increase thier alchemy skill. Please remember to add 1 to the alchemy book if your using Junior. So Book2 becomes Book3. If It calls for a book4. Remeber there is a greater chance of failure than with using Superior.

Current Lazy Man Items

Poison Knife lv54 +28atk +26Def


Because this is potentionally used by alot of compounds on here. This item deserves it own section.

Junior/Superior Alchemy
1 Book2
Purple or Black Jade

1. Sea Armor+Wolf Tooth+Sea Armor --> Skeleton Steel Sword with +3 Result
2. Skeleton Steel Sword+Skeleton Steel Sword --> Long Knight Boots or Steel Helmet with +3 result
3. Purple Jade+Purple Jade or Black Jade+Black Jade --> Water Necklace
4. Refined Hematite+Water Necklace --> Sapphire Wand with +3 Result
5. Vertical Wing+Sapphire Wand --> Wooden Wand with +3 Result

Final Compound
Steel Helmet or Long Knight Boots+Wooden Wand+Book1 --> Poison Knife with +3 Result


Silvery Star - lv74 matk+37


In this guide I will show you the Lazy man's method of making a Silvery Star quickly. Silvery Star is lv74 Head Armor with +37matk.

Superior Alchemy - Recommended. I made my 1st Silvery Star with lv6 Superior.

Junior Alchemy - If you dont have Superior add 1 to each book. So book2 becomes book3. Plus remeber Junior has a 20% chance of sub-base failure. So with Junior there is always a 20% chance of failure. Never tried it with Junior. But I would reccomend at least lv9-12 Junior before trying.

Primary Alchemy - I wouldnt try this with Primary.

2 Rings of the Lord - From Emporer Alexander Instance
2 Alchemy Book2s
2 Alchemy Book3s
Plenty of Black Jade

Compounding Sequence
This is the compound sequence for getting the Silvery Star. All items can be looked up on database if you need to. With all materials already gathered it takes me an average of about 7min from start to finish. I go in rapid fire order to make as simple and lazy as possible :'D

1. Refined White Silvery+Demon Gloves -> Light Fur Boots with +3 result
2. Refined Hematite+Water Necklace -> Sapphire Wand with +3 Result
3. Light Fur Boots+Sapphire Wand+Book2 -> Silvery Bracers with +4 Result
4. Silvery Bracers+Black Jade+Book2 -> Mysterious Bracers with +4 Result
5. Black Jade+Black Jade -> Dragon Wand with +4 Result
6. Mysterious Bracers+Dragon Wand+Book3 -> Shining Armor with +5 Result

And now for the Final Compound

7. Ring of the Lord+Shining Armor+Ring of the Lord+Book3 --> Silvery Star with +5 Result

If only all lv70s equip was this simple to make. Everyone be wearing them :) But for a mage Silvery Star is the current best Head armor you can get. So Happy trails making urself one :)

Gold-Rip Bracers - lv56 atk+28


In this primer I will show you how to make Gold-Rip Bracers as easy as possible. Gold-Rip Bracers are +28atk arm armor.

Superior Alchemy - Recomended

Junior Alchemy - Last compound maybe little tough be is totally achieveable with Junior.

Primary Alchemy - Its so easy to get Junior. Plz get Junior.

1 Book4

Compounding Sequence
I choose Sky Crown because it is more Unique Base Gold item and is alot easier to make if you dont have high alchemy skills. Now on to the compounds.

1. Refined Gold+Iron Net Boots+Fine Crystal -> Gold Helmet with +3 Result
2. Fine Grass+Fine Leaf+Demon Gloves -> Water Boots with +2 Result
3. Gold Helmet+Water Boots -> Sky Crown with +3 Result
4. Demon Gloves+Copper Crest+Sea Armor -> Steel Thorn Bracers with +4 result
5. Sky Crown+Steel Thorn Bracers+Book4 -> Gold-Rip Bracers with +6 Result

Steel Thorn Bracers can be a pain in but to make. But you can make with any alchemy with that compound. Last Compound really easy with Superior Alchemy. With Junior you will need a Moderate Success. But is totally obtainable. Happy Trails and Good Luck making ur item :)

Blue Monster Clothes - lv60 atk+14 Mdef+16


In this guide. I will show you the absolutly laziess way to make Blue Monster Clothes. Blue Monster Clothes is a Mantle Class armor with +14atk and +16mdef.

Superior Alchemy - Recommended

Junior Alchemy - Will be tough this way with Junior. But if your skill is good enuff you could do final compound and get item.

Primary Alchemy - Get 1 Ant antenna, 2 Chameleon Tounges, and 5 Dragon Teeth and Get Junior.

1 Book1
1 Book4
Plenty of Wolf Teeth

Compounding Sequence
I choose Leaf Boots because it is a Unique compound. Swift Bracers could be used but 1 rank lower is Sea Boots and you might get those instead of Swift Bracers. And then you would have to Start over on it or burn ur Sea Boots tryin to make nother Swift Bracers. Now for the rapid Fire Compounding sequence.

1. Fine Leaf+Demon Gloves -> Leaf Headscarf with +3 result
2. Fine Golden Rose+Refined Gold -> Golden Qi Pao with +3 result
3. Fine Grass+Demon Gloves -> Vine Bracers/Flax Boots with +1 result
4. Iron Net Boots+Wolf Tooth+Iron Net Boots -> Skeleton Iron Sword with +2 result
5. Vine Bracers/Flax Boots+Skeleton Iron Sword -> Blue Boots with +2 result
6. Leaf Headscarf+Golden Qi Pao+Blue Boots+Book1 -> Leaf Boots with +3 result

That concludes the 1st Item to make. Now the Second.

1. Sea Armor+Wolf Tooth+Sea Armor -> Skeleton Steel Sword with +3 result
2. Skeleton Steel Sword+Skeleton Steel Sord -> Steel Helmet/Long Knight Boots with +3 result.

Steel Helmet/Long Knight Boots can be a pain to make. But just keep doin it til you get one or the other. That concludes 2nd item to make.

Final Compound
Leaf Boots+Steel Helmet/Long Knight Boots+Book4 --> Blue Monster Clothes

While it may look intimidating it is actually very easy to make. ANd it will give you the Mantle look like Yellow Mantle, Red Monster Clothes, War Demon Armor for a relativly cheap price tag. Happy Trails making it :)

Hero Set
Released by IGG as a Reward Mid-Summer 2009
From Instances
Seawing Helmet - lv50 From Sea Animals Instance
Blue War Bracers - lv62 From Save Blue Instance

Sea Loricane - lv58 Def+19 MaxHP+100 or Dark Blue Boots - lv54 Def+19 Spd+8


In this primer we will do a step-by-step method of making a Sea Loricane/Dark Blue Boots. Which either item is 1/5 of the Hero Set and Sea Loricane is a great armor to use if you train pets or player and can use equips. Its Stats are +19Def and +100MaxHP. And Dark Blue Boots stats are +19Def +8Spd.

Junior/Superior Alchemy -> Recommended. Period.
Primary -> Get Junior its easy.

Sea Loricane -> 1 Book3, Either 1 Book1 or 1 Book4
Dark Blue Boots -> Either 2 Book1s or 1 Book1 and 1 Book4

Compounding Sequence
Tricky it may seem but with the right books and a little dedication you can be sporting one of these in no time. Now on to the compounds.

[Gray Steel Bracers]
We got 2 methods for being lazy you choose your path.

[Method One - Laziest]
1. Refined Titanium+Refined Titanium+Book4 --> Gray Steel Bracers with +6 result

[Method Two - Somewhat Lazy but potentially Cheaper]
1. Wolf Bracers+Wolf Bracers --> Defensive Armor or Dark Helmet with +3 or +4 result
2. Defensive Armor+Wooden Pedals --> Titanium Sword with +3 result
2. Dark Helmet+Propellor --> Titanium Sword with +2 result
3. Titanium Sword+Titanium Sword+Book1 --> Gray Steel Bracers with +2 result.

In the Other compound I use book. Because there is so many titanium in the compound range that it has a habit of giving you a lower rank item.

[Steel Cuffs]
1. Iron Net Boots+Wolf Tooth+Iron Net Boots --> Skeleton Iron Sword with +2 Result
2. Skeleton Iron Sword+Refined White Silvery --> Knight's Helmet with +3 Result
3. Fine Golden Rose+Refined Gold --> Golden Qi Pao with +3 Result
4. Knight's Helmet+Golden Qi Pao --> Steel Cuffs with +3 Result

[Steel Helmet/Long Knight Boots]

1. Sea Armor+Wolf Tooth+Sea Armor --> Skeleton Steel Sword with +3 Result
2. Skeleton Steel Sword+Skeleton Steel Sword --> Long Knight Boots or Steel Helmet

This item can be a pain but is totally obtainable.

Final Compounds
[Sea Loricane with +5 Result]
Gray Steel Bracers+Steel Cuffs+Long Knight Boots or Steel Helmet+Book3

[Dark Blue Boots with +3 Result]
Gray Steel Bracers+Steel Cuffs+Long Knight Boots or Steel Helmet+Book1

There is a chance of Getting Sea Loricane with Book1 when trying for Boots if you get great enuff success. Plus there is a chance of getting Dark Blue Boots if you use Book3. Depending on ur success. Good Luck getting ur Item :)

Fast Cross Pike - lv64 Atk+30 Spd+34


Superior/Junior Alchemy - Recommended
Primary - Get Junior :P Its Easy
Optional books for laziness 1 Book2 and 1 Book1
Not Optional Needed -> 1 Book4 and 1 Book1
Plenty Black Jade
Optional Purple Jade
Plenty of Wolf Teeth

Compounding Sequence
This is the last Item you can compound for the Hero Set. When you get the other Instance Items. Sport your new eye attracting Set on Starter Beach for all to admire :P

[Jade Helmet]
1. Wolf Bracers+Wolf Bracers --> Defence Armor or Dark Helmet With +3 or +4 Result
2a. Defence Armor+Wooden Pedals -> Titanium Sword with +3 result
2b. Dark Helmet+Propellor -> Titanium Sword with +2 result
3. Black Jade+Black Jade -> Red Jade Necklace with -3 result
4. Titanium Sword+Red Jade Necklace+Book2 --> Jade Helmet with +4 result

Book2 is optional if you think ur skill is good enuff to get with Book1 or no book.

[Bluish Helmet]
1. Wolf Bracers+Wolf Bracers --> Defence Armor or Dark Helmet With +3 or +4 Result
2a. Defence Armor+Wooden Pedals -> Titanium Sword with +3 result
2b. Dark Helmet+Propellor -> Titanium Sword with +2 result
3. Titanium Sword+Titanium Sword--> Gray Steel Bracers with +2 result
Note: Alot of Titanium in the compound range. Might wanna use Book1 if your being lazy.
4. Iron Net Boots+Wolf Tooth+Iron Net Boots --> Skeletion Iron Sword with +2 Result
5. Skeleton Iron Sword+Refined White Silvery --> Knight's Helmet with +3 Result
6. Fine Golden Rose+Refined Gold --> Golden Qi Pao with +3 Result
7. Knight's Helmet+Golden Qi Pao --> Steel Cuffs with 3 result
8. Steel Cuffs+Gray Steel Bracers --> Bluish Helmet with +2 result

[Poison Knife]
See Poison Knife above Section.

Final Compound
Poison Knife+Bluish Helmet+Jade Helmet+Book4 --> Fast Cross Pike with +6 Result

Now that those 3 peices are made. Just do the 2 Instances and you have a reward set of equipment. IGG thought was good enuff to give away for a certain amount of Point Exchange :)

Red Dragon Gown lv66 +33atk


There is many many ways to make this armor and alot of people have personal Choice in their preferred method. But I will try to make this as easy as possible.

Junior or Superior Alchemy
Black Jade
Required: 1 Book3, 2 Book4s, 1 Book2 or Book3
Optional: 1 Book1

[Resistance Bracers]
1. Refined Silver+Fine Crystal+Magic Crystal Powder -> Demon Wand with +3 Result
Note --> Sometimes get Fairy Wand which is ok too.
2a. Demon or Fairy Wand+Propellor --> Silver Axe with +3 Result
2b. Demon or Fairy Wand+Vertical Wing --> Silver Axe with +2 Result
Note --> Sometimes will get the lv34 Silver Ax which looks exactly the same always check to make sure.
3. Sea Armor+Wolf Tooth+Sea Armor --> Skeleton Steel Sword with +3 Result
4. Fine Golden Rose+Refined Gold --> Golden Qi Pao with +3 Result
5. Golden Qi Pao+Skeleton Steel Sword --> Metal Gown with +2 Result
6. Metal Gown+Silver Axe+Book4 --> Resistance Bracers with +6 Result

[Kings Gown or Night Wear]
1. Fine Grass+Demon Gloves --> Vine Bracers or Flax Boots with +1 Result
2. Iron Net Boots+Wolf Teeth+Iron Net Boots --> Skeleton Iron Sword with +2 Result
3. Vine Bracers or Flax Boots+Skeleton Iron Sword --> Blue Boots with +2 Result
4. Blue Boots+Vertical Wing --> Grass Hat with +3 Result
Note --> This compound could be horrible but a Book1 would make it alot easier.
5. Sea Armor+Wolf Tooth+Sea Armor --> Skeleton Steel Sword with +3 Result
6. Fine Golden Rose+Refined Gold --> Golden Qi Pao with +3 Result
7. Golden Qi Pao+Skeleton Steel Sword --> Metal Gown with +2 Result
8. Grass Hat+Metal Gown+Book3 --> Kings Gown or Plume Clothes or Night Wear with +5 or 6 Result
Note --> Could use Book2 if Fails should give Party Wear then Make another Metal Gown to retry.

[Kunlan Cuffs or Gold-Rip Bracers]
Most people Sell Kunlan Cuffs real Cheap. If you can just buy 1. If not make Gold-Rip Bracers from Above.

[Final Compound]
I did Resistance Bracers because they are Item Rank 29. When doing the Kings Gown Compound alot of times you will get Night Wear which is also Item Rank 29. So to ensure we didnt have to make another Flower Base Item I went ahead and made a 29 ranked one.

Resistance Bracers+Kings Gown or Plume Clothes or Night Wear+Kunlan Cuffs or Gold-Rip Bracers+Book3 --> Red Dragon Gown with +5 Result

Hope you enjoyed it, and Good Luck

War Demon Armor lv62 +36matk -5spd


War Demon armor is great matk armor for you to use and pretty easy to make.

Junior/Superior Alchemy.


[Poison Knife]
See above Section

[Light Gown/Fly Clothes/Gennan Suit]
1. Fine Nylon+Vertical Wing or Propellor or Wooden Pedals+Fine Nylon --> Thorn Suit with +2 Result
2. Fine Golden Rose+Refind Magic Powder --> Magic Gloves or Heart Bracers with +2 Result
3. Thorn Suit+Magic Glove or Heart Bracers --> Ninja Suit(Brown) +3 or Iga Suit +4
4. Sea Armor+Wolf Tooth+Sea Armor --> Skeleton Steel Sword with +3 Result
5. Fine Golden Rose+Refined Gold --> Golden Qi Pao with +3 Result
6. Golden Qi Pao+Skeleton Steel Sword --> Metal Gown
7. Ninja Suit(Brown) or Iga Suit+Metal Gown+Book2 --> Light Gown/Fly Clothes/Gennan Suit with +4 Result

[Rainy Doll]
1. Sea Armor+Wolf Tooth+Sea Armor --> Skeleton Steel Sword with +3 Result
2. Fine Golden Rose+Refined Gold --> Golden Qi Pao with +3 Result
3. Golden Qi Pao+Skeleton Steel Sword --> Metal Gown with +2 Result
4. Metal Gown+Black Jade+Metal Gown --> Rainy Doll with +3 Result

Final Compound
Light Clothes or Fly Clothes or Gennan Suit+Rainy Doll+Poison Knife+Book3 --> War Demon Armor with +5 Result.

Good Luck on making this great armor :)

Mist Robe lv72 Def+14 Atk+22


Mist is great armor to have and it is used by alot of upperend compounding.So to find a lazy way to make Mist Robes is a great way to start.

Superior Alchemy recommended.
2 Demon Jade Stones
1 Book1
1 Book2
1 Book3
3 Book4s
Black Jade

1st lets make some good old Power Armor
[Rainy Doll]
1. Sea Armor+Wolf Tooth+Sea Armor --> Skeleton Steel Sword with +3 Result
2. Fine Golden Rose+Refined Gold --> Golden Qi Pao with +3 Result
3. Golden Qi Pao+Skeleton Steel Sword --> Metal Gown with +2 Result
4. Metal Gown+Black Jade+Metal Gown --> Rainy Doll with +3 Result

[Purple Qi Pao]
1. Fine Golden Rose+Refined Gold --> Golden Qi Pao with +3 Result
2. Demon Jade Stone+Golden Qi Pao+Book3 --> Purple Qi Pao with +5 Result

[Alternate Purple Qi Pao]
1. Magic Crystal Powder+Fine Grass --> Silk Bracers with +2 Result
2. Fine Golden Rose+Magic Crystal Powder --> Magic Gloves or Heart Bracers with +2 Result
3. Silk Bracer+Magic Gloves or Heart Bracers+Book4 --> Purple Qi Pao

Final Compound
Rainy Doll+Purple Qi Pao+Book2 --> Power Armor with +4 Result

Alternate Compound which is cheaper and lazier if you can get
Rainy Doll+Evening Wear+Rainy Doll+Book2 --> Power Armor with +4 Result

Now for the 2nd Item for Mist robes Blue Woolen Clothes.
[Net Bracers]
1. Fine Grass+Demon Gloves --> Vine Bracers/Flax Boots with +1 Result
2. Iron Net Boots+Wolf Tooth+Iron Net Boots --> Skeleton Iron Sword with +2 Result
3. Vine Bracers/Flax Boots+Skeleton Iron Sword --> Blue Boots with +2 Result
4. Blue Boots+Demon Jade Stone+Book4 --> Net Bracers with +6 Result

If you cant find a Cheap Wave Sword, Bronze Trident, or Mist Cuffs we gotta make a Bronze Hatchet.

[Bronze Hatchet]
1. Copper Crest+Copper Crest --> Pirate's Hat or Bronze Boots with +3/+4 Result
2. Sea Armor+Wolf Tooth+Sea Armor --> Skeleton Steel Sword with +3 Result
3. Pirate's Hat or Bronze Boots+Skeleton Steel Sword+Book4 --> Bronze Hatchet with +6 Result

Final Compound
Net Bracers + Bronze Hatchet or Wave Sword or Bronze Trident or Mist Cuffs+Book1 --> Blue Woolen Clothes with +3 Result.

If you feel lucky you can try without a book because there is next to no other Grass/Copper compounds in game so its pretty unique Compound. So means u might get Common Stone if u fail :P

Mist Robes Final Compound
Power Armor+Blue Woolen Clothes+Book4 --> Mist Robes with +6 Result

Yay :)

Goose Helmet lv70 Head Armor Def+8 Spd+27


Goose Helmet is a good descent nifty lookin head armor. Pretty easy to make too.
Lets do it Lazy Style.

Superior or Junior Alchemy
Black Jade and Optional Purple Jade
Bronze Ring From Instance
2 Book2s
1 Book3

I love the Goose Helmet Super Easy to make. Instance Items sure transformed alchemy in WLo in ways the developers never even imagined. Im sure of it.

1. Purple Jade+Purple Jade --> Water Necklace with +2 Result
1. Black Jade+Black Jade --> Water Necklace with -7 Result
2. Refined Hematite+Water Necklace --> Sapphire Wand with +3 Result
3. Refined White Silvery+Demon Gloves --> Light Fur Boots with +3 Result
4. Light Fur Boots+Sapphire Wand+Book2 --> Silvery Bracers with +4 Result
Note -> Can use Book1 if feel lucky
5. Silvery Bracers+Black Jade+Book2 --> Mysterious Bracers with +4 Result
6. Bronze Ring+Mysterious Bracers+Book3 --> Goose Helmet with +5 Result

Good Luck :)

Aurora Staff lv68 Matk+38 Spd+30


Who could complain about this staff. Good Matk and good Spd. A good Staff for anyone to use. Even tho I think Dragon Wand is a Good and way cheaper substitute for this staff. But Aurora is far superior. Lets make it as Lazy as Possible.

Junior or Superior Alchemy
Ring of Lord from Instance or Snow Mask if you can buy Cheap
Black and optional Purple Jade
Wolf Teeth
1 Book4
1 Book for Final Compound See Final Compound for Info.

1st Item to do is
[Ring of Lord or Snow Mask]
If you can Find a Cheap Snow Mask to buy use that instead of wasting your higher level Ring of the Lord. If you cant, Use the Ring of Lord.

[Eagle Wand or Jade Wand or Silvery Torque]
1. Refined Silver+Fine Crystal+Magic Crystal Powder --> Demon Wand with +3 Result
Note --> C'mon how often do you normally get the Fairy Wand :P
2. Demon Wand+Vertical Wing --> Silver Axe with +2 Result
3. Make Water Necklace thru Purple or Black Jade
4. Water Necklace+Refined Silver --> Jade Earrings with +3 Result
5. Fine Grass+Demon Gloves --> Vine Bracers/Flax Boots with +1 Result
6. Iron Net Boots+Wolf Teeth+Iron Net Boots --> Skeleton Iron Sword with +2 Result
7. Vine Bracers/Flax Boots+Skeleton Iron Sword --> Blue Boots with +2 Result
8. Jade Earrings+Blue Boots --> Red Fire Ring with +2 Result
9. Silver Axe+Red Fire Ring+Book4 --> Eagle Wand/Jade Wand/Silvery Torque with +5/+6/+7 Result

Final Compound
What Book you have to use depends on your Sub-base Item.

Snow Mask or Ring of Lord+Eagle Wand+Book4 --> Aurora Wand with +6 Result
Snow Mask or Ring of Lord+Jade Wand+Book3 --> Aurora Wand with +5 Result
Snow Mask or Ring of Lord+Silvery Torque+Book2 --> Aurora Wand with +4 Result

So as you see what you get for the Silver Part will tell you what book you have to use.

Yay and Good Luck :)

Cross Pike lv72 Atk+72 Spear


Who doesnt love this spear. As of right now it is the best atk spear without spd loss you can get unless you get the one from Cursed Palace. But hey were lazy why spend all that time doin CP for a Spear :P Anyways lets try to make this as lazy as possible without goin out and buying it from a stall.

Superior or Junior Alchemy
Bronze Ring From Instance
Black Jade
1 Book1
1 Book2
1 Book4

[Blue-Rip Bracers]
Titanium always a pain in but for me at least. But Blue Rip Bracers makes it alot easier :)

1. Black Jade+Black Jade --> Red Jade Necklace with -3 Result
Note --> Can be tricky
2. Wolf Bracers+Wolf Bracers --> Defensive Armor/Dark Helmet with +3/+4 result
3. Defensive Armor+Wooden Pedals --> Titanium Sword with +3 Result
3. Dark Helmet+Propellor --> Titanium Sword with +2 Result
4. Titanium Sword+Red Jade Necklace+Book2 --> Jade Helmet with +4 Result
Note --> You may have your favorite way to make Jade Helmet but remeber we are being lazy. Maybe get away with Book1 right here too.
5. Jade Helmet+Black Jade+Book4 --> Blue-Rip Bracers with +6 Result

[Bronze Ring]
From Instance. :P Made you read :D:D:D:D:DXD:D:D:DXD

[Guard's Sword]
If you cant buy a cheap r27 Copper Item like Mist Cuffs, Bronze Trident, Wave Sword then we gonna have to make a Bronze Hatchet.

1. Make Poison Knife as described above.
2. Copper Crest+Copper Crest --> Pirate's Hat or Bronze Boots with +3/+4 Result
3. Sea Armor+Wolf Tooth+Sea Armor --> Skeleton Steel Sword with +3 Result
4. Pirate's Hat/Bronze Boots+Skeleton Steel Sword+Book4 --> Bronze Hatchet with +6 Result.
5. Poison Knife+Bronze Hatchet or Mist Cuffs or Bronze Trident or Wave Sword+Book1 --> Guard's Sword with +3 Result
Note --> Possibly could Not have to use book here if your skill good enuff.

Final Compound
Blue-Rip Bracers+Bronze Ring+Guard's Sword+Book4 --> Cross Pike with +6 Result

Gratz on Ur Pike :P Kill a Drop today :)

Dragon Rage Sword lv80 Atk+48 Spd +32


The Uber cool Dragon Rage Sword. Looks nice and intimidates even the scariest drop you meet outside of Starter's Beach. Lets try to make this as Lazy as Possible.

Superior Alchemy -> Dont leave home without it
Junior Alchemy -> Could work but 20% base failure to great a risk for me.
Primary Alchemy -> Get Junior at least

1st Item to make or get is
[Twin Swords]
Get this from Instance. In case u never paid attention. Sometimes This Sword is almost as good as the one ur makin.

[Goose Helmet]
1. See Above Section

[Aurora Staff]
1. See Above Section

[Cross Pike]
1. See Above Section xD

Final Compound
Now you understand why I did the previous three compound in the Lazy Man list. This Weapon not super easy to make. But concentrating on it it one step at a time makes you understand better and not feel as overwhelmed by it :) Anyways ^^

Twin Swords+Goose Helmet+Aurora Staff+Cross Pike+Book4 --> Dragon Rage Sword with +6 Result.

Congratz if you made this Item. I think it is one of the harder ones to make in the game :)

Feel Free to add your own Compound sequences to this series and PM me with the info so I can add it. I know we host a ton of compounds on this site already. But for a new person starting to compound. It can be very intimidating. So these Mini-Guides of how to make an Item will show them how to compound with sucess.

Last edited Sat, 25 Jun 2011, 5:58pm by darkdeaver
