Wed, 24 Feb 2010, 7:22pm Water Wit Build »
Registered: Nov, 2009
Last visit: Sat, 16 Oct 2010
Posts: 416

Hugo, can you tell me why does she needs so much CON? x___x It's almost as much as my Priest has. I wouldn't add more than 200 CON, and i think a Wit needs more INT, and since she is making a quest type water Wit, 80 AGI is way too much in my opinion. Sarin's idea is better about AGI, at least in my opinion, or i would even put less AGI then she x____x Ohh well, ppl are different, and my opinion is based on the stats a character has at the moment of reborn, a Wit needs INT so she can get better boots on her MATK.

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