Wed, 18 Nov 2009, 10:33pm What should I rb as? and put my points in »
Registered: Nov, 2009
Last visit: Mon, 21 Jan 2013
Posts: 133

PinkMochi wrote:

here are my stats I'm lvl 161
STR- 228
CON- 132
INT- 12 (trying to remove)
WIS- 65
AGI- 51

So what should I rb as and put my points in until i get there?

what elemenet is this char? if its a fire, you wasted to much points agi

Boshiden wrote:

well you really shouldnt have int and that much speed if your a fire. i do a crapload of damage.... 110 con (like 1.2k hp) 4 agl. 0 int. 42 wis. and 417 str with my bash on a high lv eagle or a lv 99 flower i will do a junkload! i wanna rb as a killer at 199 but i need more exp caps..... im savin points up to buy alot of water packs to try get caps

lol rb at 199 with just water packs... won't happen, I know a friend who buy water packs every payday out of 30 he buys a week he gets at most 1 1% exp pill. Don't even shoot for 199 unless you can spend 14 months doing 15rc or are a botter.
